In the past few weeks, Team New York has received the chance to educate the public about sustainability through the Urban Green Exposition in New York City, as well as the Green Buildings Festival in Brooklyn. Both events provided the opportunity to inform the city’s residents about the importance of solar energy, and received public attention throughout the city.
The Urban Green Exposition, presented by the Urban Green Council and the U.S Green Building Council of New York, is a green building conference and trade show that draws thousands of visitors, both professionals and home owners. This year’s theme unearthed how green buildings could metaphorically and literally “push the envelope” to create energy efficient building envelopes.
The Green Buildings Festival attracted people of all ages. The outdoor festival allowed our team members to see that green housing must become accessible and adaptable to different parts of the city, not only iconic Manhattan.
“I really enjoyed the Brooklyn event because it renewed my spirit in the Solar Decathlon,” said Joileen Richards, a member of the Solar Decathlon team. “People are ready for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly building. We got great feedback, not just from people working in the field, but from ordinary people. This lets me know that our design for the Solar Decathlon is what this city has been waiting for. We need new standards, other than just LEED certification to make housing more sustainable and readily available.”
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